The use of glue or tape to maintain double eyelid fold

Many patients who come in for double eyelid surgery inform me that they have been applying glue or tape to create a double eyelid fold.  This is not a good idea for the following reasons.  First, glue or tape stretches out the eyelid skin.  Second, it thickens the eyelid skin.  The eyes and double eyelid folds look the best when the eyelid skin is thin and there is less excess skin.  One may believe that excess skin can simply be excised, and thus it does not matter whether skin sags or not if one is going to have surgery.  However, excising too much skin brings down the thicker brow skin and shortens the distance between the eyelid fold and the brow.  Double eyelid and the overall appearance of the face look more attractive if there is a certain appropriate distance between the eyelid fold and the brow.  Also, double eyelid surgery can also remove eyelid fat and the eyelid-elevating muscle (levator muscle) can be made stronger by performing a ptosis surgery simultaneously.  Therefore, surgery produces a much more beautiful overall appearance to the eye that cannot be compared with just simply applying glue or tape.

Therefore, it is prudent to stop applying glue or tape.  Double eyelid surgery will not only slow down the aging process (skin from hooding), but it also prevents puffy eyelids from occurring.  More of how double eyelid surgery decreases the puffiness of the eyelid in Asians will be discussed in a future blog.