Do You Need to Go to Korea for Double Eyelid Surgery?

A popular trend across the world is for patients to go to Korea for double eyelid surgery. Many of the techniques used around the world originated there, and South Korea is the epicenter for many advancements in the procedure. However, some of the leading physicians from South Korea have brought their expertise to different locations around the world. So, do you still need to go to Korea for double eyelid surgery? In truth, you can have a higher-quality procedure without needing to travel far from home if you live in LA.

Plastic surgery can be a pivotal moment in many people’s lives. So, it makes complete sense to want to work with the best surgeons possible for your chosen procedure. Placing yourself in good hands is crucial for not only seeing the results you want but also having a stress-free, positive experience.

Why Do People Go to Korea for Double Eyelid Surgery?

Double eyelid surgery (also called Asian blepharoplasty) is the most popular plastic surgery in South Korea by a wide margin. The amount of time and research spent on improving the procedure will then come as no surprise. Each year, more advances are made, leading to more refined results.

The Quality of Korea in Central Los Angeles

This peak expertise in the procedure is why many individuals travel from across the planet to have their eyelid surgery performed in South Korea. However, Dream Medical Group, the top plastic surgery group in South Korea, has a location right in Los Angeles. The practice is headed by Dr. Kenneth Kim, a distinguished, world-renowned pioneer in double eyelid surgery who:

  • Received his training and expertise in South Korea
  • Routinely returns to the country to teach the next generation of surgeons at Seoul National University, the top university in South Korea
  • Regularly gives lectures at international conferences on plastic surgery in Korea
  • Has moved the field forward with research
  • Is the original author of the most advanced, ground-breaking techniques for natural-looking, dynamic double eyelids
  • Has made significant advances in eyelid ptosis repair in conjunction with double eyelid surgery

What About Non-Surgical Double Eyelid Procedures?

Many people in the US are not aware that a non-surgical double eyelid alternative exists. Those who are aware tend to seek the procedure out in South Korea because so few people are trained to offer it in the US. Dr. Kim is one of a select few surgeons who is experienced in providing non-surgical double eyelid procedures. The doctor himself along with Dream Medical Group are known for their cutting-edge non-incision double eyelid approach and results.

The treatment works through a precise suturing technique, which creates an eyelid fold without the need for incisions. The procedure can be completed in minutes and can last for years at a time.

Dr. Kim offers the non-incision double eyelid procedure at his practice in LA, saving anyone based in the US a trip abroad for a procedure that takes minutes. Additionally, virtually no downtime is required after the procedure. So even if a patient has flown in from the East Coast, they can return home within a couple of days, as there is no follow-up needed.

Advantages of Having Your Surgery in LA at Dream Medical Group

Peak-Quality Procedures
Dr. Kim and Dream Medical Group stand as leaders among plastic surgeons in South Korea. Dr. Kim continues to maintain his position as a clinical instructor at Seoul National University, teaching the very people who will be performing surgery in South Korea. He trained in the procedures he performs while in South Korea and has now brought the quality of South Korean plastic surgery to the US at his practice in Los Angeles. Get the best of Korea but locally in Los Angeles.

Avoid Travel & Jet Lag
Virtually no one enjoys the experience of prolonged flights and days spent recovering from jet lag. Even for patients flying in from the other side of the US, having a procedure in LA means only a difference of 3 hours and a flight of only 5 hours. Any jet lag is minimal. Flying abroad means a minimum of 13 to 15 hours in flights (if you are going nonstop) and 13 to 16 hours of time difference for mind-numbing jet lag.

More Efficient Follow-up
If you want to follow up with your surgeon while abroad, it will mean a longer stay. Few patients have the flexibility in a schedule to stay abroad for weeks to months at a time for full follow-up care. Working with a local surgeon ensures he can track your recovery and provide additional instructions as needed to promote better results (and a safer overall experience).

Easy Touch-up Care
Whether you need adjustments, touch-ups, or repair after an accident, it is always best to work with the surgeon who did your original procedure. Any of these would mean another international flight if you had surgery in Korea. But if you went to Dream Medical Group, you can save time, money, and the effort of a second trip, with easy, accessible touch-up visits.

How to Choose a Double Eyelid Surgeon in the US

Plenty of surgeons offer this procedure in the US. Almost any oculofacial plastic surgeon will list it on their website, and to their credit, they likely can perform it well. However, when it comes to your appearance, choosing anything less than an optimal experience almost defeats the purpose. You want to be able to look your best, so it is worth finding the best surgeon for your goals.

Weigh Their Credentials

Take some time to go through the physician’s education, experience, affiliations, and certifications. While no single element guarantees a skilled surgeon, these can help guide you to the right expert. Look for someone who has published research work in their field, who is board-certified by a national association, and what their professional affiliations are. This latter element is key because it can show how involved a surgeon is in their field. Being more active can mean they have access to the latest advances in techniques.

Evaluate Their Past Procedures

Take a thorough look at the before-and-after photos of a surgeon’s previous work. Ideally, a surgeon should have a number of images of patients of different ages so you can understand what the results of their work look like. Never be afraid to ask about seeing before-and-after photos, as a skilled surgeon will see it as a chance to put their abilities and work on full display.

Take Your Time With the Consultation

Coming in for a consultation requires no commitment to having a procedure. Instead, take the time to find out how you feel about your surgeon. Ask questions, look for clarification about anything, and openly discuss your goals. The right surgeon will generally feel like the right surgeon, and the consultation is the perfect time to sense if a physician is the right one for you.

Go to Korea or Stay Local: Which Should I Do?

The main reason people would go to Korea for plastic surgery is to work with leaders in the field. However, many of those same leaders, pioneers, and experts such as Dr. Kim now work in places outside South Korea. There is not much incentive now to go out of one’s way and fly across the planet if high-quality plastic surgery is the goal.

Even for patients who live on the East Coast, travel to LA is far easier than going abroad. This is particularly true for Dr. Kim’s non-surgical double eyelid solution, which allows patients to have a 30-minute procedure and fly back home within days. Going all the way to another continent for the same procedure is far greater of a hassle and a more expensive effort.

Of course, traveling is a wonderful experience. However, why spend your travel time recovering from plastic surgery? Instead, have your procedure at a center like Dream Medical Group, and then take a vacation afterward so you can show off your new aesthetic all the while. Make travel fun rather than a chore.

How Dr. Kim Brings South Korean-Quality Surgery to LA

  • Director of Technology and Scientific Advance for Dream Medical Group, the leading plastic surgery group in South Korea
  • Regularly conducts and publishes research on double eyelid surgery and other plastic surgery techniques
  • Provides non-surgical double eyelid procedures that are rare outside of South Korea
  • Routinely attends conferences held in Korea on surgery techniques and trains in new advancements
  • Uses only local anesthetic and “awake” surgical techniques to minimize recovery times

Visit Dream Medical Group in LA

Whether you live in Los Angeles or somewhere else across North America, receiving top-tier double eyelid surgery no longer requires an exhausting trip to another country. Rather than choosing to go to Korea for double eyelid surgery, work with a medical pioneer from South Korea who specializes in advanced-technique, minimal-recovery procedures. Visit Dr. Kim’s office for a consultation to learn more about his method, his available procedures, and the results he produces.
