Although silicone implant has been used in the past in both Asia and America to enlarge the nose, there are significant limitations and negative effects of silicone on the nose.
Surgeons typically apply either silicone or Gortex implant into the dorsum of the nose to augment the nose. If these implants are placed only on the dorsum, it does not create pressure on the nasal tip. Therefore, it is a safe and effective way to augment the bridge of the nose. However, many patients need their nasal tip to be elevated and projected. Unfortunately, plastic surgeons use either a long silicone implant (I shape or L shape) to project the tip. These silicone implants will put pressure on the nasal tip skin and compromise their blood supply. In addition, scar tissue forms around the silicone implant. When these scars form, they pull the surrounding skin and therefore over-rotate the nasal tip. This over-rotation will show more of the nostril and give the appearance of the “pig nose.” Furthermore, the scar tissues on the nasal tip make the nasal tip more round and bulky. This is exactly what we want to avoid. The nasal tip should be more refined.
Therefore, when the silicone or any implant such as Gortex is used to augment and project the nasal tip, unattractive nose and nasal tip appearance will occur. In addition, the rim of the nostril is not brought down. Thus, the nose looks pointy, upturned, and not harmonious.
In the future, we will discuss exactly why scar contractures occur with silicone or Gortex implants and how to effectively use silicone implant in the nose.